Okay, so what am I doing here?

I used to think that I didn’t know much. Learning coding has opened my eyes as to how much more I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

I am learning a great deal, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to remember the details of what I’ve learned. This blog is intended to counteract that. First by writing down and trying to explain to myself, rather than simply using what I’m learning, the lessons should be reinforced. And second, this will be a searchable record of my own challenges and questions, as well as the resources I’ve used to progress.

It’s been 8 or 9 months since I’ve been learning in earnest, and I think I’m approaching passably adequate at introductory HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s hard to tell, as I have no immediate colleagues to whom to compare myself. That’s probably something I should change.

I’m starting to hear the Doogie Howser theme in my head, so I’m going to bed and hope I don’t dream of code. Again.