Node, Express, Mongo, and more

I’ve almost finished Colt Steele’s Web Developer Bootcamp course, and things are starting to click. It’s a big jump from just HTML/CSS/JS to making a full stack app with dynamic content, data stored in a database, users who can log in, etc., etc. There are a lot more moving parts, and it’s often unclear where one part starts and the other ends.

But I think I understand enough of how all the parts work together that I could halfway comprehend enough Stack Overflow questions to make something of my own. I know that a voting app is part of FCC’s back-end curriculum, but I have an idea about how to implement that sort of thing. I’ll keep mulling that one over before I commit to spending too much time on it, though.

(And speaking of commit, I’m getting a lot more comfortable with Git, which is nice. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that Github alone isn’t sufficient.)

I’d also like to go back to FCC and work on their data-visualization and back-end curricula. They’re sparse educationally, but the projects look like they have the right kinds of challenges built into them. And I think the experience with Node (or perhaps Express) will make the parts of React that I wasn’t catching on to a few months ago more comprehensible.